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Erich Fromm

Erich Fromm Erich Fromm[1†]

Erich Seligmann Fromm (1900-1980) was a German-American social psychologist, psychoanalyst, sociologist, humanistic philosopher, and democratic socialist. A German Jew, he fled Nazi Germany and settled in the U.S. Fromm co-founded The William Alanson White Institute and was associated with the Frankfurt School. His interdisciplinary work critiqued Freudian theory and proposed a humanistic philosophy. Fromm emphasized the interaction between psychology and society, advocating for a "sane society" through psychoanalytic principles. His contributions significantly influenced psychology and sociology[1†][2†][3†].

Early Years and Education

Erich Seligmann Fromm was born on March 23, 1900, in Frankfurt am Main, German Empire[1†][4†]. He was the only child of Orthodox Jewish parents, Rosa (Krause) and Naphtali Fromm[1†][4†]. His early years were shaped by his family’s religious beliefs and the cultural milieu of Frankfurt[1†][4†].

In 1918, Fromm began his academic journey at the University of Frankfurt am Main[1†][4†]. After two semesters of studying jurisprudence, he transferred to the University of Heidelberg in the summer semester of 1919[1†][4†][5†]. At Heidelberg, he studied sociology under the guidance of Alfred Weber (brother of the renowned sociologist Max Weber), psychiatrist-philosopher Karl Jaspers, and Heinrich Rickert[1†][4†]. These early academic experiences laid the foundation for his interdisciplinary approach to understanding human behavior[1†][4†].

Fromm received his PhD in sociology from Heidelberg in 1922, with a dissertation titled "On Jewish Law"[1†]. During this time, he became deeply involved in Zionism, influenced by the religious Zionist rabbi Nehemia Anton Nobel[1†]. However, he soon distanced himself from Zionism, citing its conflict with his ideals of a "universalist Messianism and Humanism"[1†].

In the mid-1920s, Fromm trained to become a psychoanalyst at Frieda Reichmann’s psychoanalytic sanatorium in Heidelberg[1†]. This training marked the beginning of his lifelong engagement with psychoanalysis, a field that would profoundly influence his later work[1†].

Career Development and Achievements

After receiving his PhD from the University of Heidelberg in 1922, Fromm trained in psychoanalysis at the University of Munich and at the Berlin Psychoanalytic Institute[2†]. He began practicing psychoanalysis as a disciple of Sigmund Freud but soon took issue with Freud’s preoccupation with unconscious drives and consequent neglect of the role of societal factors in human psychology[2†]. For Fromm, an individual’s personality was the product of culture as well as biology[2†].

He had already attained a distinguished reputation as a psychoanalyst when he left Nazi Germany in 1933 for the United States[2†]. There he came into conflict with orthodox Freudian psychoanalytic circles[2†]. From 1934 to 1941, Fromm was on the faculty of Columbia University in New York City, where his views became increasingly controversial[2†]. In 1941, he joined the faculty at Bennington College in Vermont[2†].

In 1951, he was appointed professor of psychoanalysis at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City[2†]. From 1957 to 1961, he held a concurrent professorship at Michigan State University[2†], and he returned to New York City in 1962 as professor of psychiatry at New York University[2†].

Fromm’s theories centered around the interaction between psychology and society, and he believed that by applying psychoanalytic principles to the remedy of cultural ills, mankind could develop a psychologically balanced "sane society"[2†]. His work has had a significant impact on both psychology and sociology[2†][4†][6†].

In 1941, Fromm published his seminal work ‘Escape from Freedom’ which became one of the foundations of political psychology[2†][4†]. He next came up with ‘Man for Himself: An Inquiry into the Psychology of Ethics’ that was published in 1947[2†][4†]. Both these books outlined his theories related to human character[2†][4†].

First Publication of His Main Works

Erich Fromm’s body of work is extensive, encompassing a wide range of topics in psychology, sociology, anthropology, and philosophy. Here are some of his main works, along with additional information about each:

Each of these works contributed significantly to their respective fields and continue to be widely read and studied today[6†][1†][2†][6†][4†].

Analysis and Evaluation

Erich Fromm’s work has had a profound impact on a variety of fields, including psychology, sociology, anthropology, and philosophy[7†][8†]. His unique approach combined insights from both Sigmund Freud and Karl Marx, resulting in a distinctive perspective on the relationship between individuals and society[7†][8†].

Fromm’s theories emphasized the role of culture in shaping personality and advocated for the use of psychoanalysis as a tool for addressing cultural issues and reducing mental illness[7†]. He proposed that character in humans evolved as a means for people to meet their needs[7†]. Unlike Freud, Fromm did not believe that character was fixed[7†].

One of Fromm’s most significant contributions is the concept of social character[7†][8†]. He defined social character as "the core of the character common to most members of a culture, in contradistinction to the individual character, in which people belonging to the same culture differ from each other"[7†][8†]. According to Fromm, social character is the medium through which the economic basis of a society is translated into the ideological superstructure[7†][8†].

Fromm’s work has been widely recognized for its depth and breadth. His theories have provided valuable insights into the complex interplay between individuals and society, and his writings continue to be widely read and studied today[7†][8†].

Personal Life

Erich Fromm was born on March 23, 1900, in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, the only child of Orthodox Jewish parents, Rosa (Krause) and Naphtali Fromm[1†][6†][9†][10†]. He was heavily influenced by the start of World War I and, at age 14, developed a strong interest in group behavior[1†][6†].

Fromm started his academic studies in 1918 at the University of Frankfurt am Main with two semesters of jurisprudence[1†][9†]. During the summer semester of 1919, Fromm studied at the University of Heidelberg, where he began studying sociology under Alfred Weber (brother of the better known sociologist Max Weber), psychiatrist-philosopher Karl Jaspers, and Heinrich Rickert[1†]. Fromm received his PhD in sociology from Heidelberg in 1922 with a dissertation "On Jewish Law"[1†].

In the mid-1920s, he trained to become a psychoanalyst through Frieda Reichmann’s psychoanalytic sanatorium in Heidelberg[1†]. They married in 1926, but separated shortly after and divorced in 1942[1†]. He began his own clinical practice in 1927[1†].

After the Nazi takeover of power in Germany, Fromm moved first to Geneva and then, in 1934, to Columbia University in New York[1†]. In 1951, Fromm became a professor at the National University of Mexico, where he founded the Mexican Institute of Psychoanalysts and regularly traveled to the United States before settling in Switzerland in 1971[7†].

Conclusion and Legacy

Erich Fromm’s legacy is vast and multifaceted, reflecting his diverse interests and profound impact on various fields[11†][12†]. He was one of the most widely read psychoanalysts after Freud, and his contributions to clinical and social psychology and the history of the psychoanalytic movement have long been underrated[11†][12†].

Fromm was a member of Freud’s “loyal opposition” with strong leanings toward the “dissident fringe,” and he helped effect the transfer of productive ideas from the periphery to the mainstream of the psychoanalytic movement[11†][12†]. His work unraveled the numerous strands—philosophical, literary, and social—that formed a part of Freud’s own work and of Fromm’s sympathetic, but not uncritical, reaction to Freudian orthodoxy[11†][12†].

Despite his grounding in the tradition of Freud, contemporaries and former associates persistently misunderstood Fromm’s work[11†]. His Marxist leanings and his radically historical approach to human behavior made it difficult for mainstream academic psychologists to grasp his meaning, much less to grant it any validity[11†]. His humanistic and ethical concerns struck many psychologists as grossly unscientific[11†].

However, Fromm’s work has had a lasting impact. His eloquent, evenhanded reassessment of Fromm’s life and work cuts through the ideological and political underbrush to reveal his pivotal role as a theorist and a critic of modern psychoanalysis[11†][12†]. It leads readers back to Freud, whose theoretical and clinical contributions Fromm refracted and extended, and on to controversies that remain a vital part of contemporary intellectual life[11†][12†].

Fromm’s legacy is not only in his theoretical contributions but also in his influence on subsequent generations of thinkers and practitioners. His work continues to be a resource and a stimulus for reflecting on the close ties among humanism, existentialism, Buber, Marx, Weber, the recent resurgence of object-relations and self-psychology, and our contemporary choices as citizens[11†].

Key Information

References and Citations:

  1. Wikipedia (English) - Erich Fromm [website] - link
  2. Britannica - Erich Fromm: American psychoanalyst and philosopher [website] - link
  3. GoodTherapy - Erich Fromm Biography [website] - link
  4. The Famous People - Erich Fromm Biography [website] - link
  5. Totallyhistory.com - Erich Fromm Biography - Life of German Philosopher [website] - link
  6. Verywell Mind - Biography of Social Psychologist Erich Fromm [website] - link
  7. Simply Psychology - Erich Fromm [website] - link
  8. Springer Link - Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences - Chapter: Social Character (Fromm) [website] - link
  9. Social Sci LibreTexts - 6.4: Brief Biography of Erich Fromm [website] - link
  10. Achology - Who was Erich Fromm? An Overview of His Life and Works - achology [website] - link
  11. De Gruyter - The Legacy of Erich Fromm [website] - link
  12. APA PsycNet - The legacy of Erich Fromm. [website] - link
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